Step 1
Contact Great Hawk
Great Hawk Homeowners Assn. (GHOA) has the first right to purchase the property. The sale CANNOT take place until GHOA issues a written waiver giving up that right. GHOA needs a 30 day notice before the closing date to prepare the documents. (See Resale: page 30, article 12 in Protective Covenants.)
Please notify Caroline at 802-767-3601 or She will provide you or your representatives with the documents needed for a sale. Office hours are Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Step 2
GHOA will provide you with written notice of the following annual assessments in the Resale Certificate:
Annual Homeowner’s Assessment
All Homeowners and lot owners are charged this assessment annually.
GHOA Water Assessment:
Assessed to homeowners on common well systems. No charge to homeowners with private wells. For more information see GHOA Water.
GHOA Sewer Assessment
Assessed to all homeowners on the common sewer systems. No charge to owners of private septic systems. For more info see our Wastewater Disposal Policies.
Road Maintenance Assessment
Assessed only if the homeowners lives on Upper Sparrow Hawk Road. All other roads are public and town maintained.
Tennis Assessment
Assessed only if homeowner has a “Tennis House”. See Tennis.
Fiscal Year: Begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th. Assessments are due on Nov. 1st of that year.
Home Improvements
You may be anxious to begin exterior house projects. Before doing so, please review our by-laws (page, section) GHOA requires that you submit your plans to our Architectural Review Board (ARB) using this ARB form. All homeowners are required to do this BEFORE for any exterior work or tree cutting takes place.